
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Drifting in the abyss

Found a RL job and so excited for Big Bang's comeback in April!!! I seriously wish I could go to their concert in L.A. (if they decided to go there) but I find it impossible because their tickets sell out in less than a minute and my internet so slow!
Stopped working on the ch 2 & 3 revisions because I'm so caught up in working and attending classes. I almost finished untangling all the plot twists, loopholes, and plot pits for the whole ch 1 - 13 but I guess it will have to wait until I start my nomadic year of traveling~

So far this is what I have on my mind lately... Dimitri (sin's older brother) and his best friend (the friend is a new development because trust me everyone needs at least one friend in thee life even if they drive you over the edge at times) come to Santa Carla for an (un)welcomed "visit". Hmm~ Just the thought of our favorite Five (and i think Star =_= she's my least favorite person so i tend to forget about her) with three new younger vampires (Sin, Dimitri and his friend)... The shores will run red  with all the romantic tense among these eight. Or at least that's what I hope to achieve.

Darn. Now I feel bad for ignoring my story for so long. Oh well. Not many people check this blog anyways. ^^;; I get the feeling I would make a terrible client for any Editor to work with because I would be the lazy writer avoiding her work until a week before the deadline. Such bad habits die hard :D

Just savoring this picture of the awesome Daryl while I enjoy the walking dead~
Maybe Dimitri's friend can be based on Daryl... hmm... maybe?

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